The Eurocontrol Central Flow Management Unit (CFMU) established a centralized flight processing and distribution service. The service is provided by the Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System and covers that part of the ICAO region known as the IFPS Zone. The IFPS Zone (IFPZ) is the area in which IFPS is responsible for the distribution of flightplans and associated messages to the ATC world.
Following countries belong to the IFPZ:
BK | Kosovo |
EB | Belgium |
ED | Germany |
EF | Finland |
EG | Great Britain |
EH | Netherlands |
EI | Ireland |
EK | Denmark |
EL | Luxembourg |
EN | Norway |
EP | Poland |
ES | Sweden |
EY | Lithuania |
GC | Canary Islands |
LA | Albania |
LB | Bulgaria |
LC | Cyprus |
LD | Croatia |
LE | Spain |
LF | France |
LG | Greece |
LH | Hungary |
LI | Italy |
LJ | Slovenia |
LK | Czech Republic |
LM | Malta |
LN | Monaco |
LO | Austria |
LP | Portugal |
LQ | Bosnia-Herzegovina |
LR | Romania |
LS | Switzerland |
LT | Turkey |
LU | Moldova |
LW | Macedonia |
LX | Gibraltar |
LY | Serbia |
LZ | Slovakia |
UD | Armenia |
UK | Ukraine |
lick here to view a map of the IFPZ and get further information concerning the CFMU.